 교수소개 전임교수
서지혜 교수
Suh, Ji hae
무궁관 512호
◾ 서울대학교 경영학 박사
◾ Carnegie Mellon Univ. 경영정보시스템 석사
◾ 경희대학교 영어교육학 문학사
주요 경력
◾ 서울대학교 데이터사이언스 대학원, 객원교수
◾ 서울대학교 AI 연구원, 연구교수
연구 분야
Database, Data Modeling, Semantic Web, Big Data Analysis
담당 교과목
Management Information Systems, Programming Principles and Practice, Data Mining and Python Programming
디지털비즈니스와 경영, 정보기술과 경영, 딥러닝기초와 응용, 머신러닝과 딥러닝
주요논문 및 저서
◾“Effects of Domain Familiarity on Conceptual Modeling Performance,” (with J. Park), Journal of Database Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, April-June 2017, pp. 27-55.
◾“Investigating Knowledge Flows between Information Systems and Other Disciplines: Seeking Greater Research Opportunities,” (with K. Lee, and J. Park), ACM SIGMIS Database: The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 49, No. 2, May 2018, pp.14-34.
◾ "Transparency and accountability in AI decision support: Explaining and visualizing convolutional neural networks for text information,” (with J. Park, and B. Kim), Decision Support Systems, Vol. 134, 2020
◾ The motivation to work in an online platform economy money-view or self-view?, Current Psychology, 2023
◾ Virtual reality as a pedagogical tool: An experimental study of English learner in lower elementary grades, Education and Information Technologies, 2023
◾ Building a deep learning-based QA system from a CQA dataset, Decision Support Systems, vol.175, 2023
저널 논문
◾“A Personalized Recommendation Procedure for Internet Shopping Support,” (with J. Kim, Y. Cho, W. Kim, and J. Kim), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2003, pp. 301-313
◾“Effects of Domain Familiarity on Conceptual Modeling Performance,” (with J. Park), Journal of Database Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, April-June 2017, pp. 27-55.
◾“Investigating Knowledge Flows between Information Systems and Other Disciplines: Seeking Greater Research Opportunities,” (with K. Lee, and J. Park), ACM SIGMIS Database: The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 49, No. 2, May 2018, pp.14-34.
◾“How Practitioners Perceive a Ternary Relationship in ER Conceptual Modeling,” (with J. Park, B. Kim, and H. Rahman), Asia Pacific Journal of Information System, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 2018, pp.1~18
◾ “Usage of Software Agent Technology in Management Information System: A literature Review and Classification,”(with J. Park, and H. Rahman) Asia Pacific Journal of Information System, Vol. 29, No. 1, March 2019, pp. 65-82
◾“A Study of Integrative Bargaining Model with Argumentation-Based Negotiation,” (with J. Park, H. Rahman, and H. Hussin), Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 23, December 2019
◾ "A Lifestyle-Routine Activity Theory (LRAT) Approach to Cybercrime Victimization: An Empirical Assessment of SNS Lifestyle Exposure Activities,” (with J. Park, and J. Choe), Asia Pacific Journal of Information System, Vol. 30, No. 1, March 2020, pp.53-71
◾ "Transparency and accountability in AI decision support: Explaining and visualizing convolutional neural networks for text information,” (with J. Park, and B. Kim), Decision Support Systems, Vol. 134, 2020
◾ "A personalized recommendation methodology based on collaborative filtering,” (with 김재경, 안도현, 조윤호), 한국지능정보시스템학회지, 제8권 제 2호, 2002년, pp. 139-157.
◾“모바일 뱅킹 서비스의 IT 구성요소에 관한 선호도 연구” (with 김남희, 김병석, 김재경), 한국 IT 서비스학회지, 제7권 제 1호, 2008년, pp. 89-101.
◾ "미국 무역정책 변화가 국내 중공업 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향,” (with 김경호, 김범수, 박진수), 전자거래학회지, 제22권 제4호, 2017년 11월, pp. 71-101.
◾ "도르시아(Dorsia)의 온라인 데이팅 시장에서 성공 사례: 서비스의 경영학적 및 심리학적 해석을 중심으로 한 연구,” (with 이규한, 박진수, H. Rahman), 전자거래학회지, 제23권 제1호, 2018년 2월, pp. 65-88.
◾ "An algorithm for Finding a Relationship Between Entities: Semi-Automated Schema Integration Approach,” (with 김용찬, 박진수), 지능정보연구, 제24권, 제3호, 2018년 9월, pp. 243-262
◾ 생성형 인공지능 도입에 따른 디자이너 직무 변화와 직업 인식의 재구성, 취업진로연구, vol.14 No.4 pp.1~23, 2024서지혜
◾ Factors Affecting User’s Satisfaction on OTT Service: From Perspective of Motivation, Value, and Commitment, 지능정보연구, vol.30 No.4 pp.181~203, 2024서지혜
◾ Building a deep learning-based QA system from a CQA dataset, Decision Support Systems, vol.175, 2023서지혜
◾ Conveyed Message in YouTube Product Review Videos: The discrepancy between sponsored and non-sponsored product review videos, 정보시스템연구, vol.32 No.4 pp.29~50, 2023서지혜
◾ Evaluating the Current State of ChatGPT and Its Disruptive Potential: An Empirical Study of Korean Users, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, vol.33 No.4 pp.1052~1087, 2023서지혜
◾ 유튜브(YouTube) 영상 콘텐츠 분석: 국내 무용 영상을 중심으로, 지능정보연구, vol.29 No.4 pp.1~13, 2023서지혜
◾ L-Shape advertising for mobile video streaming services: Less intrusive while still effective, DISPLAYS, vol.78, 2023서지혜
◾ The motivation to work in an online platform economy money-view or self-view?, Current Psychology, 2023서지혜
◾ Virtual reality as a pedagogical tool: An experimental study of English learner in lower elementary grades, Education and Information Technologies, 2023서지혜
◾ LSTM 모델을 이용한 조각투자 상품의 가격 예측: 뮤직카우를 중심으로, 지능정보연구, vol.28 No.4 pp.81~94, 2022서지혜
◾ Digital Government Application: A Case Study of the Korean Civil Documents using Blockchain-based Resource Management Model, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, vol.32 No.4 pp.830~856, 2022서지혜
◾ 크라우드소싱 플랫폼에서의 고용에 관한 탐색적 연구, 취업진로연구, vol.12 No.3 pp.81~97, 2022서지혜
◾ 금리 스프레드와 산업별 주식 수익률 관계 분석, 지능정보연구, vol.28 No.3 pp.105~117, 2022서지혜
◾“Understanding Information Relay of Brand SNS Evidence From Analysis on a Department Store Twitter,” (with T. Kim, J. Park, and S. Rho), in Proceedings of the Post‐ICIS 2012 LG CNS/KrAIS Workshop, Orlando, Florida, December 19, 2012.
◾“Infocuration System Can Save Your Time in Social Networks,” (with J. Park, and Y. Choi), in Proceedings of the Post‐ICIS 2012 LG CNS/KrAIS Workshop, Orlando, Florida, December 19, 2012.
◾“Unveiling a Customer Characteristic Grade for Customer Loyalty - a Focus on off-line Factors,” (with 박진수), 한국지능정보시스템학회 2012 춘계학술대회, 서울, 2012년 5월 18일, pp. 121-124.
◾“Designing L-Shape Advertising for Mobile Movie Streaming Service,” (with T. Kim, and J. Lee), in Proceedings of Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Santa Clara, CA, December 16-18, 2018.
◾“Agent Technologies in Identify the Customer’s Need,” (with 박진수 Hamirahanim Abdul Rahman), 경영정보학회 2019 춘계학술대회, 경주, 2019년 5월 25일, pp. 575-578.
◾ 이규한, 서지혜, 박진수, Is Transparency the Best Policy Impact of (Im)Plausible AI Transparency on Human Trust in AI for Fake News Detection, Proceedings of the 32nd Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2022), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022서지혜
◾ 이규한, 서지혜, 박진수, IS Transparency the Best plocy? Impact of (im)plausible AI Transparency on Human Adoption of AI for Fake News Detection, IS Transparency the Best plocy? Impact of (im)plausible AI Transparency on Human Adoption of AI for Fake News Detection, 인디애나폴리스 , 2022서지혜
◾ 진솔, 연욱, 정한얼, 서지혜, 박진수, Building a BERT-based QA System from a CQA Dataset: Incorporating Gender Bias, Proceedings of the 31st Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2021), Texas, U.S. (Zoom 참석), 2021서지혜
◾ 연욱, 정한얼, 진솔, 서지혜, 박진수, 건강보험 정책 질의응답 시스템 설계와 딥러닝 모델에 따른 성능비교, AI for Sustainable and Social Innovation, 온라인 발표 , 2021서지혜
◾ LSTM 모델을 이용한 조각투자 상품의 가격 예측, 산학협력단, 2022.10.~2023.09.서지혜
◾ 디지털정부:블록체인 기반 민원 문서 관리모델, 서울과학기술대학교, 2021.08.~2022.07.서지혜
◾ “Is Transparency the Best Policy? Impact of (Im)Plausible AI Transparency on Human Trust in AI for Fake News Detection”, Prabuddha De Best Paper Award, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2022서지혜
기타(학회활동 등)
◾Doctoral Consortium Fellow, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland (2016.12)
◾Post‐ICIS 2012 LG CNS/KrAIS Workshop Best Paper Runner Up, Orlando, Florida, USA (2012.12.19)
◾Global Ph.D. Fellowship Korea Research Foundation, 2011 - 2013 (First in MIS, \90,000,000)

Academic Society
◾이사, 지능정보시스템학회, 2022 - 현재
◾부회장, 취업진로학회,2022 - 현재
◾부회장, 상업교육학회, 2022 - 2023

Editorial Board
◾ 편집위원, 지능정보연구, 2022 - 현재
◾ 편집위원장, 취업진로연구, 2024

Ad-hoc Reviewer
◾ MIS Quarterly [SCIE/SSCI]
◾ Decision Support Systems [SCIE/SSCI]
◾ Current Psychology [SSCI]
◾ Electronic Commerce Research and Applications [SCIE/SSCI]
◾ Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems [SCOPUS]
◾ 지능정보연구(Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems)[KCI]
◾ Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS)
◾ Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2022) - Associate Editor (AE)

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