강사 및 초빙교원
강사 및 초빙교원
 교수소개 강사 및 초빙교원
김효정 교수
Hyo-Jeong Kim
콜로라도대학교 전산정보학 박사
네바다대학교 M.B.A.
주요 경력
한화S&C, 농협 IT본부, 신한금융, 신세계I&C, NICE 평가정보, 다우기술 등

공공기관/공공기업 강의
환경공단/환경부, 한국교통안전공단, 경찰청, 한국경영인증원, 서울산업진흥원, 한국정보통신진흥협회 등

서울대학교 시간강사
남플로리다대학교 초빙교수
알칸소대학교 초빙교수
덴버대학교 시간강사
콜로라도대학교 시간강사
메트로폴리탄 덴터주립대학교 시간강사
연구 분야
소트프웨어 채택에서 복잡도가 미치는 영향
인공지능, 머신러닝, 딥러닝, 빅데이터
인지학습, 이마케팅, 프로젝트관리
담당 교과목
머신러닝 입문
데이터마이닝과 파이썬프로그래밍
빅데이터 기초와 데이터 분석
지식경영과 비지니스 인텔리젼스
경영정보시스템 기획 및 개발
경영정보시스템 (한국어, 영어)
정보기술과 경영
저널 논문
"Off-Axis ICOS 이용한 한국 산업공단지역의 염화수소 가스 거동에 대한 연구," work in progress
"The Use of Generalized Audit Software by Egyptian External Auditors: The Effect of Audit Software Features," Journal of Applied Accounting Research,Vol. 17Issue: 4, pp.456-478(2016), Hyo-Jeong Kim, AmrKotb, Mohamed Khaled Eldaly.
"eLmaps: An Educational Software Application Based on Principles of Cognitive Liguistics and Cognitive Science," International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, Vol. 8 Issue:5, pp.49-64(2013), Michael Tang, Toan Tran, Hyo-Jeong Kim, Andrew Hund, and Karen Knaus.
"Instructional Materials for Benford’s Law: Conceptual Background and Guided Software Instruction with Supporting Teaching Notes," A Compendium of Classroom Cases and Tools (C3), Vol. 5, pp.1-11(2011), Hyo-Jeong Kim, Michael Mannino, and Robert Nieschwietz.
"Unmet Public Expectation to Government IT Project: Colorado Benefit Management Systems," International Journal of Public Information Systems, Vol. 6 Issue:1, pp.83-109(2010), Bruce Neumann, James Gerlach, and Hyo-Jeong Kim.
"Information Technology Acceptance in the Internal Audit Profession: Impact of Technology Features and Technology Complexity," International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol.10 Issue: 4, pp.214-228 (2009), Hyo-Jeong Kim, Michael Mannino, and Rob Nieschwietz.
“The Use of Generalized Audit Software by Egyptian External Auditors: The Effect of Conceptual Complexity of Features,” The Eleventh Annual SIG Cognitive Research Workshop, Fort Worth, Taxas, December 13, 2015, Hyo-Jeong Kim, AmrKotb, and Mohamed Eldaly.
“IT Acceptance in the External Audit Profession- Evidence from an Emerging Market,” 50th British Accounting & Finance Association Annual Congress, London, England, April 14-16, 2014, Hyo-Jeong Kim, AmrKotb, and Mohamed Eldaly. 
“Demonstration of an Analytical Software Feature in Generalized Audit Software: Use of Benford’s Law Software Feature for Fraud Detection Audit Tasks,” 22nd Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Orland, Florida, December 15-16, 2012, Hyo-Jeong Kim and Michael Mannino.
"Effect of Software Feature Training on Beliefs, Use, and Performance: Using the Benford’s Law Feature of Generalized Audit Software," 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Seattle, Washington, August 9-11, 2012, Hyo-Jeong Kim, Michael Mannino, and Rob Nieschwietz.
"Development, Design and Assessment of a Web 2.0 Mind Map Software Application for Undergraduate Students with a Pedagogical and Epistemological commentary," 8th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, Los Angeles, California: University of California Los Angeles, January 16-18, 2012, Michael Tang, Toan Tran, Hyo-Jeong Kim, and Karen Knaus.
"eLms: Research, Development and Assessment of Cognitive Maps in eLearning Materials to Enhance Critical Thinking," 4th Annual Sloan-C/MERLOT Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium, San Jose, California, July 11-13, 2011, Michael Tang, Karen Knaus, David Hyerle, and Hyo-Jeong Kim
"Information Technology Acceptance in the Internal Audit Profession: Impact of Technology Features and Technology Complexity," 9th International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems, Paris, France, December 13, 2008, Hyo-Jeong Kim, Michael Mannino, and Rob Nieschwietz.

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